Tech Kitteh is Unboxin Yer Netwerks

Just the ramblings of a person who has many a soap box to stand on.
The following was prompted by a link to this video in a friend's facebook wall comments. In continuing my present position as regards putting any significant, original content into facebook, I am posting my response, along with the embedded video here.
Some of his Physics is a bit off, but given that it's the somewhat exotic side of Quantum Mechanics that he's botching, it's easily forgiven. Also, he's arguably dancing around the chance issue, c.f. "if it didn't happen, we couldn't be here to ask how it all happened." (There is a specific term for this problem, but I cannot recall it at the moment.) He's missing the Double Slit Experiment from Quantum Mechanics as well. Also, as far as the Internet is concerned, he looses around 4:50 in part two due to Godwin's Law -- (also, Reductio ad Hitlerum).
If you haven't already, you really should check out the changes that have been made at Digg recently. I'm generating this post for the sake of verifying the feed from my blog, but it's was still worth mentioning.
I'm back in New Albany, Mississippi for my dental checkup/cleaning — taken care of today — and an eye exam — tomorrow. I've only been here for one night, and I already feel behind on everything — video editing for The Extreme, working on the mixer and lighting at the center, everything! If I did not need the eye exam, I would be heading back now. It's been so long since I felt like I was actually accomplishing something in life, and now it's really unpleasant to have that interrupted.
I've been working on my room, trying to get it back into a fully functional state, and finally got around to hanging this. Although, it looks lonely up there.
I've been working on my room, trying to get it back into a fully functional state, and finally got around to hanging this. Although, it looks lonely up there.
The real question is, when do they add the camera and microphone so I can just walk into the room, have my TV recognize me, and tell it what I'm in the mood for tonight?