Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Whatever Happened to Tom's Hoodie?: Tom Scott at Thinking Digital 2013

In a world where we cling to so many things, both physical and digital, it is all too easy to become burdened by the weight of the past we carry with us. Perhaps it's time for us to think about at least reducing that weight, even if we are not yet ready to rid ourselves of it entirely.

You can find more of his videos on his YouTube! channel here.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Thoughts By Night

Not in the normal vein of things I post here, but the words touched me in a way that I can't quite explain.

After our last meeting, I was more relaxed and at peace with myself and the world than I had been in ages; yet I could not sleep -- did not want to sleep, for fear that in sleeping I would wake to find it had all been but a dream, as moments of such perfect bliss have no place in this fractured world of ours. All I wanted was to lie there for an eternity, contentedly basking in the warm glow of remembrance.

Fragments From a Diary
Author Unknown